This is us, full of anticipation as we arrived at 10am.
Benjamin loved playing with the water squirters in Dr Seuss land.
Mum - we thought of you as we were here, we promise that we will bring you one day. The village is amazing, but it was absolutely heaving. Ken got chatting to a guy whilst he was waiting for Jakey and I to go on the dragon ride and it was the third day in a row he had attempted to get into HP land, they had closed it the previous 2 days because it was too busy.
The queue for the wand shop was a good few hours long and we have said we will try again tomorrow for the 'Harry Potter and the Forbidden Journey' ride because we didn't want to queue for 90 mins today. Jakey did conquer his fear and come on the Dragon Challenge roller coaster with me which has at least 4 loop-the-loops, although he was shaking for a good while after we came off!!
By 3pm we were pooped and hungry and the thunder storms seem to be following us so we headed to Margaritaville for a late lunch and, for a grateful non-driving mummy, a couple of obligatory raspberry margaritas. Safe in the knowledge that our tickets will allow us to return as often as we want whilst we are here we headed home for a swim and an early night for one tired babba...who also had another few firsts today:
First time 'swimming' with arm-bands on.
(and first time he gave mummy a heart attack jumping in at the deep end!!!)
And first time sunbathing in the nude!
A few more photos for those HP fans out there:
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